1 استادیار پژوهشکده علوم اسلامی امام صادق(ع)
2 دانش پژوه کارشناسی ارشد تاریخ معاصر جهان اسلام جامعة المصطفی العالمیه
عنوان مقاله [English]
نویسندگان [English]
Intellectual movement of Imam Khomeini, on one hand led to a magnificent change in public opinion and beliefs of people on a global scale, on the other hand being the leader of this movement, Imam Khomeini was able to employ the theories which he contemplate in order to achieve his sublime aims and ideals, in a glorious perspective of Islamic revolution. Taking this attitude, if we consider intellectual movement of Jamal ad-Din Asadabadi, it should be said we admit the greatness of his movement in terms of its influence on a global scale, especially in the realm of public opinion of Muslim societies, and it is considered as a milestone in contemporary history of Islamic world. The question of the present paper is: What are the background, characteristics and resolutions of Jamal ad-Din in Islamic awakening, in comparison to Imam Khomeini’s? The assumed hypothesis in order to answer the mentioned question is: The background, characteristics and resolutions employed by Imam Khomeini were the most appropriate decisions in order to accomplish his intellectual and revolutionary movement; while Jamal ad-Din’s movement lacked these characteristics. Therefore, Jamal ad-Din could not achieve his ideals thoroughly. The purpose of the present paper is to consider Imam Khomeini’s movement as a model for Islamic awakening. Because the writer is trying to make a comparison between the background, characteristics and resolutions of Imam Khomeini’s movement and Jamal ad-Din’s, and illustrate their results, the present paper will employ an analytical – explanatory research method. The findings of the present paper show that elements such as Marja’iyah (religious references), Hawza-centrism, religious democracy, the doctrine of Wilayat al Faqih (guardianship of the jurists) and establishing Islamic government helped the intellectual and revolutionary movement of Imam Khomeini accomplish its ideals; while the intellectual movement of Jamal ad-Din Asadabadi lacked these characteristics.
کلیدواژهها [English]